The Bhagavad Gita is more than a book. It is a practice, a comfort, and a support. It is a practice of self-care and self-awareness so that we can live a dharmic life. It is a comfort when we are under duress. It is a support to living in times that are confusing, overwhelming, and disempowering.
I have so much respect for the Gita that I am hesitatant to ‘teach’ it. That gives the entirely wrong vibe. People will start to think the Gita is something to complete like a course, or think they have already ‘read’. And yet I am more and more aware that this is a story for our times, students are hungry for it, and that I have responsibilites.
I want to communicate and share this story/practice in a way that will truly be supportive to ordinary people in these extraordinary times. Not one more ‘class’ that people add to their schedule, not crammed into the contortions of a ‘teacher training’ or self improvement project; something more like a ceremony, a rich meal you can take in with friends, a walk you can take through the forest, a communion or sacred service.
We will meet the first Monday of each month, at 9 am CST for two hours. People can join any of these gatherings, rather than needing to ‘start’ at the beginning. I will record my teaching so it is available to those who cannot be there live, but I will not record the group discussion following my teaching to affirm confidentiality. The recording of the session will be available for one month, and then replaced with the next recording. I suggest a donation of $35 for each class. I strongly encourage you to invite others.
This book - like all spiritual teachings - is prone to projection, appropriation, and manipulation. Please be advised that I teach from a queer, intersectional feminist lens under the guidance of my very traditional teachers. Cultural insensitivity - gender shaming, islamophobia, body shaming etc - will not be tolerated.
The story occurs over 18 chapters. I will spend the first class presenting an overview, and then proceed with one chapter a month. You are welcome to join at any time, as no effort is wasted in this context. Even a little of this work eases suffering.
Our first session will be Monday, March 3.
To get the most out of this as a student, I suggest you a) have a daily personal practice of āsana, prāṇāyāma, and meditation b) read a daily devotional. If you want guidance or have questions about either, schedule a 1:1.